Activity 8: Where do we use salt? Which products can you list?
Most people think that salt is an ordinary and cheap spice. The fact is that only 6% of the salt produced in world ends up
Most people think that salt is an ordinary and cheap spice. The fact is that only 6% of the salt produced in world ends up
Was kann Salz? Macht uns Salz leichter oder schwerer? Schreibe deine Vermutungen auf. Mache das folgende Experiment und zeichne oder schreibe auf, was du beobachtest.
Experience salt with all your senses What do you feel when you touch salt, how does it feel, how does it taste? Can you smell
Finde heraus, ob Salzwasser Süßwasser tragen kann. Das brauchst du: zwei gleich große Gläser, Wasser, Wasserfarben oder Lebensmittelfarben in blau und rot, Salz, Teelöffel
What you need: 5 Memory cups filled with different combinations. For example: Salt with Curry Salt with Paprika Salt with Thyme Salt with Oregano Salt
Lege je zwei oder drei Eiswürfel auf zwei Teller. Auf einen Teller streust du Salz, auf den anderen nicht. Was meinst du, was passiert? Schreibe
Even ancient Egyptians and Romans used salt as a spice and as a preservative for their food. Thanks to the preservation of food, large quantities
Die Verwendung von Salz Die meisten Menschen denken, dass Salz ein einfaches billiges Gewürz ist. Tatsache ist, dass nur 6% des weltweit gewonnenen Salzes in
Long time ago, there was a king who had three daughters. He was very old and wanted to hand over his kingdom to his wisest